Executive Board
Meghan Kirkish | Founder & President, sloconorth@wearemaeve.org
Amy O’Connor | Treasurer, sloconorth-treasurer@wearemaeve.org
Shannon Schomp | Secretary, sloconorth-secretary@wearemaeve.org
Chotinan Glass | VP of Administration, sloconorth-adminvp@wearemaeve.org
Alexandria Marino & Vanessa Orr | VP’s of Membership, sloconorth-membershipvp@wearemaeve.org
“Daring leaders work to make sure people can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging.”
- Brené Brown
Committee Chairs
Karlee Wetzel | Services, sloconorth-services@wearemaeve.org
Victoria Buker | Maternal Wellness & Mom’s Night Out, sloconorth-wellness@wearemaeve.org
Amanda Streamland | Field Trips & Tours, sloconorth-fieldtrips@wearemaeve.org
Brooke Linau | Book Club, sloconorth-bookclub@googlegroups.com